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MACC-SOIL, a MACC initiative in the context of Living Labs

MACC - SOIL, an innovative initiative

As part of its participation in the Living Labs programme, MACC has already developed the innovative MACC-SOIL initiative, a holistic and collaborative approach to find solutions and ways to address soil degradation problems in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

In the Region of Crete alone, 2,755,000 hectares are agricultural land. These areas, as well as the corresponding areas in the South-Eastern Mediterranean as a whole, face significant environmental challenges such as climate change, water scarcity and pollution, which negatively affect soil quality.

The MACC-SOIL initiative is a revolution in soil management practices with a holistic approach that will lead to sustainable health, resilience and - ultimately - environmental conservation in the region of Crete and the South-Eastern Mediterranean in general.

MACC-SOIL, Holistic Approach to Precision Agriculture

The holistic approach involves the use of expertise in the fields of agronomy, environment, materials science, information technology but also marketing, economics and other scientific fields.  Through the Quadruple Helix collaboration model involving actors from universities, businesses, local government and society itself, Living Labs - MACC Soil acts as a catalyst that triggers a number of initiatives.

Starting with extensive soil assessments, continuing in the development of predictive models and concluding with policy support and technology application in primary sector activities such as Precision Agriculture and Organic Agriculture, the Living Lab organizes a series of actions with substantial social impact, a focus on community awareness and hosting training programmes.

Through strategic planning, MACC's Living Lab undertakes soil assessments across Crete, predictive analyses of degradation trends and partnerships with local farmers to pilot advanced management technologies. In addition, it promotes research and development partnerships with local universities, raises public awareness and actively seeks funding to support its initiatives.

For more information about the Living Labs (ENoLL) network and organisation, you can read more here!


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